Plenary Talks & Presentation Session Submissions

All submissions must be submitted via the online portal:

Submissions Close: Friday 14 February

If you are interested in delivering a plenary talk or presenting a session at the Indigenous Women Rangers Network Forum (IWRN), submitting your proposal (abstract) is the first step.

The committee will review all submissions and determine whether they will be included as a plenary talk or a presentation session.

Any enquiries regarding the submission process, please contact

Plenary Talk

A plenary talk is a keynote-style presentation delivered to all attendees of the forum in a single, main session.

10 mins talk and 5 mins questions

Presentation Session

Presentation sessions are smaller breakout sessions running concurrently, where attendees can choose between 4 options to attend.

10 mins talk and 5 mins questions

Submission Categories




Sharing Stories

Junior Rangers


Bush Food & Medicine

Mental Health / Workplace Wellbeing

How to Submit your proposal

Please read the following instructions prior to submitting your proposal.

Before you start

Mac Users: if you have trouble submitting your proposal, try submitting it from a PC. If you are still having issues, please contact the Forum Secretariat ASN Events.

Ensure your submission text is less than 400 words, as the system will not accept submissions over this limit. The word count does NOT include your title, authoring or cited references.

Submission Steps

  1. Open the online portal -

  2. Select the presentation type and category

  3. Provide some keywords to assist in categorisation of your plenary talk/presentation

  4. Enter the title of your plenary talk/presentation submission. Please type the title in sentence case (that is lowercase with only the first letter of the first word in capitals) and without any punctuation. A correctly formatted example follows: Title of my presentation for the conference

  5. Enter the name of all authors and their organisations and indicate the presenting author by ticking the relevant box

  6. Type or cut and paste the text of your submission into the relevant field. Please ensure it is no more than 400 words. (Does not include title, authoring or cited references)

  7. Preview your submission, make any changes required and finalise your submission and return to your dashboard

  8. You will receive an email confirmation that your submission has been successfully received. Please check your email junk file in case it has been captured there.

  9. Should you wish to make any changes to your submission after you have submitted it, please log onto your online registration dashboard. Click on the "View Submission" then "Preview/edit abstract".

**Please note you can only make changes to your abstract until the submission deadline, after which any changes should be sent to: Conference Secretariat ASN Events.

Important Note: It is a condition of having your plenary talk/presenation accepted and included in the Forum Program that you are a registered and paid attendee.

The registration system encourages you to register before submitting your proposal but it is not essential—you can submit without completing the registration process at this time.

Trouble Shooting

If you have any issues submitting your abstract, please contact ASN Events.

Committee Review

The Committee will review all submissions before selecting the presentations which will be included in the forum program.

Acceptance Notification

Once the reviewing is complete, the forum organisers will notify presenters of their acceptance. Specific presentation instructions will be included in the notification.